Let Freedom Ring “Freedom”


Freedom is the precious girl who started it all. She has shown love and affection all these years, and with all of our puppies. She enjoyed having pups around the house though every time we had puppies.
RIH: 1/15/2008-11/5/2020.

Star Crowned O' Beautiful “Beauty”

Star Crowned O' Beautiful

Beauty was a mommy to 3 amazing litters, and we can't wait to see how her pups all grow. She now enjoys life in her forever guardian home.

Lady Liberty “Liberty”

Lady Liberty

Liberty is as affectionate as they come, and still loves running around with her BFF Trooper. Though she’s retired from having pups, she still often acts like one herself when you get out that rope toy!

Justice for All “Justice”

Justice for All

Justice is Liberty’s litter-mate, and was a fantastic mom to all of her amazing litters. Now she enjoys retirement with a wonderful family in Peoria.